
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dryer Days Ahead!

Took a break from gardening prep and Saved $500 this week with the click of a few buttons and a little manual labor!

Who wants to wear dirty laundry? Not I! Who enjoys spending $500 for something that is for everyday work? Not I! Who could think of spending that money a thousand other ways? I Could! Think of the gardening supplies you could buy with 500 + dollars. 

 Never been a great repair man but thought I would give it a try by Googleing, May Tag Dryer not working. To my surprise it gave me multiple things to check and videos to go with it. Thought how hard could this be and went to work. Through process of illumination and and taking (not difficult, 6 small screws, video describes everything step by step) few panels off and found the problem. Went to the appliance store and purchased the part for $8 and a few hours later had our dryer up and running again. Thats a 500 + savings for a little research and a little manual labor and yes, if you are wondering I have a Very full time job!

Next time you have trouble with your washer or dryer consider saving a few dollars and see if there is a part you may be able to just simply replace yourself. 

* Needless to say blogging was not a priority the last couple days!

Thanks For Reading!

1 comment:

  1. You tube is a wonderful thing! I have replaced my toilets, fixed my sink and figured out many things by just watching a few videos. How did we ever cope 20 years ago? LOL
